Salmo para los momentos más bajos, para cuando te ves asediado, para cuando se amontonan las preguntas sin respuesta o te enredas en mil pensamientos negativos. Oración rezar en el Gólgota. Confiaré en tu amor, en tu fidelidad, te alabaré porque has sido siempre bueno conmigo. Su bondad y su misericordia sólo se esconden, a veces, pero permanecen cual roca firme. Sin límites.

Alisa Turner (Miracle or not)

I will confess some days I feel forgotten
Seems like You’re hiding Your face from me
I will admit that I wrestle with my thoughts
Struggle with all of the sorrow deep
How long will you leave me here without answers
Crushed by the words of my enemies?

But I will trust Your unfailing love
I will rest knowing You’re enough
I will give praise through all my days
You have been good to me
I will trust Your unfailing love
I will rest knowing You’re enough
I will give praise through all my days
Oh You have been good to me
You have been good, ever so good
Yes You have been good to me

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