«¿Adónde me alejaré de tu aliento?, ¿adónde huiré de tu presencia? Si escalo el cielo, allí estás tú; si me acuesto en el abismo, ahí estás. Si me traslado al ruedo de la aurora o me instalo en el confín del mar, allí se apoya en mí tu izquierda y me agarra tu derecha. Si digo: que me sorba la tiniebla, que la luz se haga noche en torno a mí, tampoco la oscuridad es oscura para ti, la noche es clara como el día: da lo mismo tiniebla o luz. Tú has creado mis entrañas, me has tejido en el seno materno»
Salmo 139 7-13
Imagine Dragons (Every Night)
I’m coming home to you
Every night every night every night every night.
I’m the colourless sunrise
That’s never good enough
I’m the wind that’s in your head
It ruffles you up
You could find the reason
You could let me know
I won’t blame you
I’ll just turn and go.
I’m coming home to you
Every night every night every night every night
I’m coming home to you
Every night every night every night every night.
My mind is made up
My feelings changed and
I’m coming home to you
Every night every night every night every night.
Searching to find myself
And all I find is you
I could hardly stand myself
So what am I to you?
You could find a reason
You could let me know
I won’t blame you
I just didn’t go.
I’m coming home to you
Every night every night every night every night
Coming home to you
Every night every night every night every night.
My mind is made up
My feelings changed and
I’m coming home to you
Every night every night every night every night.
No matter, no matter
No matter what we’re facing
It don’t matter, it don’t matter
‘Cause the reason that I’m here
Is the same through all these years
Not changing, not changing anything at all.
I’m coming home to you (I’m coming home)
Every night every night every night every night
Coming home to you (I’m coming home)
Every night every night every night every night.
My mind is made up
My feelings changed and
I’m coming home to you (I’m coming home)
Every night every night every night every night.