Unirse a alguien para toda la vida es una de las decisiones más serias, difíciles e importantes que podemos tomar. Que sea seria, porque tiñe todo de felicidad. Que sea difícil, aunque en el momento te parezca fácil. Y que sea importante porque esa decisión condicionará toda tu vida. Como atribuyen a Arrupe, enamórate, permanece enamorado y eso, lo decidirá todo.

The National (I am easy to find)

It’s almost like you’re not afraid of anything I do
How I want you here
You don’t know what it’s like to be around you
I still got my fear
It’s the way you say yes when I ask you to marry me
You don’t know what you are doing
Do you think you can carry me
Over the threshold
Over and over again until oblivion?
It’s the way that you’re gonna stop needing to tell me
You want me as much as I want you to tell me
I’m over the threshold
Everything is gonna be totally okay until oblivion
I still got my fear
I still got my fear
It’s still always you every morning I think of no matter what
How I want you here
I know I am easy to find but you know, it’s never me
I still got my fears
It’s like a tide in a city lifts me and carries me around
And oh, my mind is made up out of nothing, now
If nothing scares you about me and you, never put me down
Oh my mind is made up out of nothing, now
You won’t walk away, won’t you?
You don’t walk away, don’t you?
You won’t walk away, won’t you?
You don’t walk away, don’t you?
I still got my fear
I still got my fear
I still got my fear
I still got my fear.

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