Todos y cada uno de nosotros, con nuestras miserias y nuestros problemas. Vidas más o menos complicadas, que tantas y tantas veces magnificamos, sintiéndonos personas desdichadas, cuántas veces estaremos con gente absolutamente perdida, gente sin esperanza, gente con vida muchísimo más difícil que la nuestra. Gente a la que siempre podremos ayudar y hacerles la vida un poco mejor. Nosotros, con nuestras miserias y nuestros problemas, podemos dar tanta luz… Y aun no lo sabemos.

Matthew and the Atlas, (Temple -Uplugged)

Broken by the back of it
It was hard enough without the loss
Hanging on a thread of it
It was hard enough without the cause

Dancing to your lover’s beat
Beating on heavy feet
Working on a dream you make
When you made enough to ride the wave

Elijah, you’re too young to be lost
Elijah, don’t fade out on the cross
Elijah, I don’t know
What it is you need to do

Wish you could have talked to me
Found another way to be
Living hard don’t sound so good
It’s hard to get out of the woods

Elijah, you’re too young to be lost
Elijah, don’t fade out on the cross
Elijah, I don’t know
What it is you need to do

The radio was playing all day
When I heard you singing
Fingers strom the sound through delay
It echoes to me
Wishbones’ hidden in the residue
Someday they’ll find you
Just a little piece of good for two
It won’t forget you

Elijah, you’re too young to be lost
Elijah, don’t fade out on the cross
Elijah, I don’t know
What it is you need to do.

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